2013 – Berlin

2nd ICO Crossminton World Championships 2013 powered by Speedminton

Date: June 13th 2013 – June 15th 2013

Venue: Steffi-Graf-Stadion, Berlin, Germany

Organiser: International Speed Badminton Organisation

Championships Director: Niels Mester

Head Umpire: Markus Hellauer

Brief Report:


MId-June, with the sport still called speed badminton, second crossminton World Championships took place as an outdoor competition at the Steffi-Graf-Stadium in German capital Berlin. Almost 500 players from 29 countries attended and 1.174 matches were played.

The Women’s category saw Slovenian player Jasmina Keber upgrade her silver medal from the 1st World Championships into a gold medal by defeating Marta Soltys from Poland in three exciting sets, with Soltys having a matchball in the second set. “I am simply happy I have achieved my dream. It was an exciting match, also for the spectators. When Marta had a matchball, I just decided to risk it all and it paid off, so now we will celebrate the title”, added the new World Champion. In Open Division, the title stayed in Germany with Patrick Schüsseler defeating Swedish player Melker Ekberg in two straight sets: “I dont have the strongest stroke of all players here, but I can adapt to different playstyles well. I think this is what decided the final match today”, commented Schüsseler. Open Doubles were won by Swedish pair Per Hjalmarson/Mattias Aronsson, Mixed Doubles by Jennifer Greune and Daniel Gossen from Germany, while the Women’s Doubles were won by Hungarian pair Agnes Darnyik/Krisztina Bognar.

In junior categories, Bence Palinkas (HUN) and Alexandra Kacvinska (SVK) won in U18 categories, while young Slovenian players Jaša Jovan and Rebeka Škerl won in the boys and girls U14 categories.

In senior categories, Ulrich Burkhardt (GER) won the O40 category, Hans Granberg (SWE) O50 category and Beata Fenyvesi (HUN) the female O35 category.

With 2 gold and 3 bronze medals, Germany finished on top of the elite categories medals table, with Sweden second and Slovenia and Hungary sharing the third place.

Results: Wikipedia


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