Education materials

Dear player, trainer, teacher, crossminton fan,

we are happy to share some useful education materials with you.

If you also have some helpful materials regarding our sport (exercises, descriptions, explanations, game videos), please don´t hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to add your experiences to this page.


Speed Badminton Guide for Crossminton (2013) – Quickstart for teachers and coaches in GER, ENG and FRA language.

TeachersGuide by Speedminton(R) (2012) – Guide for teachers and coaches in ENG language.

Movement and Equipment

PDF: The first Crossminton lesson 1,5-2hMovement education_edit

PDF: Footwork_English

PDF: Equipment check

Practical lessons: 8 lessons in a row – powered by Speedminton (R)

Funcional exercise rows, techniques, training schedules:

Lesson1 – Basics

Lesson2 – FH+BH Introduction

Lesson3 – Serve recap

Lesson4 – Overhead-Forehand

Lesson5 – Recap and drive

Lesson6 – Offensive tactics

Lesson7 – Defensive tactics

Lesson8 – Playing doubles


Exercise movies

Trainingcamps for kids